Wounded Warrior Umpire Academy

WWUA 10th year anniversary

Established in 2014, the Wounded Warrior Umpire Academy's mission is to provide instruction, training, placement and peer to peer support for military veterans interested in baseball.


14th Hour logo

New Balance logo

Ump Attire

Force3 Pro Gear

Brighthouse financial

Keystone Fieldhouse


If you're a struggling veteran and love baseball, contact us today and join the fraternity of umpires for life!

Professional Umpire Advisory Group

The Wounded Warrior Umpire Academy is supported by our own Professional Umpire Advisory Group (PUAG). It consists of umpires who have worked at the highest level of Professional Baseball. The PUAG assists the WWUA in the following ways:

This is more than camp or training. This is a way to give back to someone that has given himself/herself for their country. Once graduation is done they can give back to the community and be in charge of something greater than themselves again after recovering from there injuries that took them out in the first place. Self accomplishment and self pride. 2/25/2019

This program has been proven to save veterans lives, it gives them something to do besides sitting around and just think about all the bad things that happen to them. It gets them out and doing something with their brothers and also gives them that opportunity to make that call just like when they're in the military. 2/28/2019

The staff was great and knowledgeable and there to show us exactly what we needed to learn 6/26/2019

This year was outstanding and i think that we bonded better this year then last year when I for the first time. I'm glad that I came again to refresh my skills and to see everyone again it's like a brotherhood that I'm glad to have. 6/27/2019

Thank you so much for this week , it was outstanding and extremely motivation to apart of something bigger than myself 6/17/2018

Everyone did an amazing job and I’m so happy that I got to attend this year! From the bottom of my heart, Thank you! I learned so much from the staff and other students! I feel like I could definitely move further into high school games and even past that. 6/17/2018

Service members are disciplined, organized and polished while in the service of a greater organization governed by regulations and orders... it is a very easy transition to the baseball diamond.

We show how their already perfected talents can be applied to the profession of umpiring.

We also provide continued support and development in order for our graduates to gain the experience necessary to advance to higher levels of the game.  The most important component of our program is actually the introduction into a new brotherhood which is not unlike that of the military culture.  We are the "third team" on the field and have to look out for each other.  That bond and camaraderie extends beyond the chalk lines of the diamond.

When one umpire meets another umpire, there is an immediate connection of something special.

Much more so than two people who meet and happen to play the game.  Our veterans enjoyed this camaraderie for years on Active or Reserve Duty.  In civilian life, this may be hard to find again.


Thank you to the following people for your amazing support...

Major League Baseball – Rule Books
UmpsCare Charities
Harrisburg Senators
Champro - equipment bags
Diamond - masks
Smitty Officials Apparel - Shirts and Pants
New Balance - Shoes/Swag Bags
Boston Leather
Best Western South - Carlisle, PA

Convene Communities
VFW Riders 6771
VFW Post 6771
VFW Auxiliary
Marine Corps League - Leatherneck Square Detachment
American Legion Post 26
American Legion Auxiliary Post 26
American Legion Riders Post 26
American Legion Post 751
Military Order of the Purple Heart - Capitol Chapter 11

Full Count Training, LLC
East Alabama Endocrinology, PC
American Legion Post 421
American Legion Post 421 Auxiliary
American Legion Post 421 Riders
Carlisle Club Small Games
Appalachian Brewing Company
Powell Family and Friends
Joe and Amy Culver
WWUA Support Battalion Donors

Show Your Support With Shirts, Hats, Wristbands and more in our store

Wounded Warrior Umpire Academy Shirts

Wounded Warrior Umpire Academy Hats

Wounded Warrior Umpire Academy stickers

Wounded Warrior Umpire Academy wristbands