1st Annual Wounded Warrior Umpire Academy Interactive Golf Tournament
Scramble - Grab a foursome and play between:
April 24-May 8 2021
Play some Golf and Support the Wounded Warrior Umpire Academy!
WWUA is organizing their first Interactive Golf Tournament from April 24 - May 8.
How do you play an interactive golf tournament?
Tournament Details
1. Teams will receive points for:
a. Female on the team - 5 points
b. Veteran on the team - 10 points
c. Purple Heart recipient on the team -20 points
d. Hardest Course - 15 points
e. Longest Course - 15 points
f. Highest Score - 25 points
g. Lowest Score - 25 points
2. Teams must post pictures to Instagram/FB and tag WWUA in the post along with the team’s name. Some ideas include:
a. Worst hazard shot...played (video required) - 10 points
b. Happy Gilmore Shot/Pool Cue Put (video required) - 10 points
c. Worst putting experience - 10 points
d. Payne Stewart/Best Dressed Team - 20 points
3. Teams win prizes for:
a. Highest Score
b. Lowest Score
c. Top Two Teams who earn the most points from photos/videos